Features for Venue Bookers & Promoters

Beautiful Event Calendars for Your Website
Interactive, clean event calendars built for live music venues.

Attractive List View with Theme Options Like Dark Mode
Using the MusicIDB WordPress Plugin or Embed Code, visitors to your website will enjoy high quality images and artist media for any artists tagged on your events.

Visitors will discover your artists in a sleek pop-up when interacting with any event
Artist links, bio, Youtube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Spotify media display right on top of your calendar, makes it possible for your upcoming artists to win over new fans who might otherwise skip a show they aren't familiar with.

New List/Spreadsheet View on Dashboard for Your Upcoming Events
Search quickly or see which events do not yet have ticket links or Facebook events at a glance. All part of the free MusicIDB Venue account.

Simple Event Records Spreadsheet
Right on your dashboard, you can instantly notate past events and get automatic calculations for profitability of each event.
Options can be found in the User Preferences under the gear icon on the top right side of the dashboard.
*This is a Pro Account Feature

Manage Your Artist Network
Convenient dashboard spreadsheet of all your past booked artists so you can quickly fill your calendar with bands you haven't booked recently.

Integrate with Your WordPress Website
Just visit your venue page after your claim is approved and click embed to generate your API key for the Plugin. Powered by our API, your events will now display with tagged artist media like YouTube videos, SoundCloud content and more.

Featured Events Slider for your Website or Mounted TV at your Venue
Grab the featured events slider from your venue page, or use the MusicIDB Events Calendar WordPress plugin to generate a shortcode.
For displaying on a TV, we recommend a smart TV that comes with the "Internet Browser" app such as most modern Samsung TVs. Then just create a page of your website that displays the WordPress shortcode on a simple backdrop.
Let us know if you'd like help creating the template, we can make sure it auto-refreshes once per hour too so as your designers finish posters for upcoming events, they display in your venue, bar or restaurant instantly!